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Inspiration is everywhere…

White flower, I spotted this flower in New York Central Park Zoo. Unfortunately, I don’t know it’s name.

I really think you can get ideas by just looking around. Here two examples.

As you may know from my previous post, I’m quite obsessed by tidying up and purging the house from unnecessary stuff. I was looking at this old decoration magazine, asking myself if I should get rid of it, when I noticed a photo featuring baskets. I liked their color and texture and I thought I would like to do some paintings with these colors. I find it interesting that someone hanged baskets like paintings, and it inspired me to make paintings.

Another morning, I stood in the garden, looking around. The rain just stopped. The sky was a bluish grey, dark and surprisingly bright too. The sun was hidden, the light was incredible. Then I noticed the color of the trees branches on the sky background. The plane tree branches were greenish gray, brighter then the sky. The redbud branches were dark grey, darker than the sky, with a few crimson red new leaves. (You can have a look to the photos even if it’s never the same).

It was wonderful and I decided to paint flowers with these colors.

I could have painted any flower but I found a hibiscus which has almost the same colors.

I could have name it: “Grey Hibiscus”, but I decided otherwise. I’ll call it: “Variation on redbud tree with few crimson red leaves and stormy sky”. It sounds better! Don’t you think?

An hibiscus flower influenced by a red bud on a stormy weather...

This flower is pink in the real life. Perhaps I'll try to paint it again but I really like this brown color. Sometimes less is really more.

Brown and off white elegant flower

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